26 September 2011

And we have a winner!

Remember this giveaway that was so wildly popular that FOUR(!!!!) brave souls tossed their hats into the ring, hoping to win?

Well, I have good, if belated, news.

Good news, that is, for one lucky, lucky chum who was fortuitously selected (thank you, Random.org) during his very own birthday season! That's right, Scott, you are now the proud owner of an original piece of art (unless you've changed your mind—ahem). Bless you! Bless your wall! You will be the envy of all your friends, me most of all (however, Rob won't miss it much). Congratulations! And happy birthday!

(Isn't that a great face? Dear Scott and I go way back to high school days.)

Now we just need to figure out when and where to hand this thing off.

Vive la D.I.!


the3bfgs said...

Ah dang! I was hoping I'd get it. It would have been a fun thing to pass the time on chemo days. :D

I wish Scott lots of fun with it.

Scott said...

How cool is that! I really can't wait to see this up close, and it gives us an excuse to connect up with you and Rob. Any suggestions?