17 October 2010

Hitting the high notes

These are moments from this weekend that I would not trade, not even (collectively) for a more timely exodus to Oregon (though I'm dying to get out of here):
  • Eating bean and cheese pupusas with lots of that delicious cabbage-jalapeño slaw and mysterious sauce on the side, at the El Salvadorean restaurant right around the corner from our house 
  • Hiking up to the magical field above Big Springs, in the moonlight, shiver-me skirt-draft notwithstanding
  • Catching over eight garbage bags' worth of possessions and releasing them to either be purchased again by some lucky thrift shoppers or picked up with Monday's garbage
  • Putting on safety goggles and becoming a sawdusty superhero, Auntie with a Chainsaw, during today's extended family wood splitting party at my in-laws' house
  • Watching loved ones work together harmoniously, the bigs and littles, and seeing Mum smile at us and her new woodpile
  • Introducing The Tribe to La Michoacana Mexican Creamery, particularly the littlest girls who chose their cones by color and not flavor—Two scoops, please: make them Pink and Really Pink. 
  • After more than a week spent fussing around with my mop of a so-so beauty school spiral perm, finally figuring out how to cope with it so my hair can be nicely subdued without adding crunch or yielding to frizz (Thank you, Bumble & bumble.)
  • Attending the delightful dress rehearsal of Mozart's Die Zauberflote (The Magic Flute) and seeing people we love onstage, offstage, and in the audience—wonderful! (You really should see this opera if you can.)

1 comment:

moiety said...

Hurray! for DI, pinon nut ice cream, family wood work parties, Sundoggies, and all of the rest of this lovely stuff you mentioned. Love you Georgia.