10 January 2008

This one's for Lionel

Till I was talking to my husband over breakfast about yesterday's post, I'd completely forgotten where the whole Lionel Ritchie sculpt-a-head idea came from in the first place. (Funny how one blocks out certain memories.) It came from the man himself, and his crazy kinda romantic dream. Because I want your understanding to be well-rounded, I am posting this original video. I recommend that after viewing it, you go back to yesterday's video and make a further study of the subject. That's the way Brother Lionel would want it. There may be a pop quiz on these two [ahem] moving pictures later, so pay attention. (And for the record, I think he's probably a really nice guy. But I can't handle the whole creepy teacher gig, among other things. Gag me with a spoon.)

P.S. My favorite YouTube comment about this video reads: "You have been hurt by somebody, that much is clear. Who hurt you? Who hurt you?"


Am'n2Deep said...

Oh, I didn't forget where it came from. Back in the day before MTV, I stayed up all night on Saturdays just to watch music videos. I love Lionel, but occasionally I watch this video just to roll my eyes and laugh a little. My favorite part is when he picks up the phone, and sings "Hello" into the reciever. I wonder if he cringes when he watches it now.

Am'n2Deep said...

Maybe I should've said I stayed up "All Night Long", but darn it my wit is too sluggish.

Author said...

I love this song, it is both hilarious and moving, somehow. This video, while painfully funny, makes me really glad that music videos have managed to go beyond re-enactments of the song's words to more artistic/conceptual takes on a song....

Wendy said...

Okay, so yesterday I couldn't figure out how to get it to play wihtout my glasses on. That was hilarious. I have to say that I very well remember that video, and crying the first time I saw it. I was probably in tenth grade.

I never realized he had a lisp. I wish singers would take speech before they sing.

Lois said...

You didn't remember this video? Oh Geo, it's a classic!

b. said...

My mom was a hairdresser, I had her give me the same mullet the girl has in the video. I remember staying up all night long with Am'n and groooovin' on Lionel.

b. said...

I guess it's not a true mullet...she just pulls her hair back in combs to make it look like a mullet. Whatever, I had my mom cut and perm my hair just like hers.

Geo said...

AM'N. Hey, now, don't go dissin' your wit. You're razor sharp! (But can you cut my hair into a mullet with it?)

OLIVIA. With you on all counts!

WENDY. You watched them both then, right? The one that used to make me cry back in the say was "Still." This is turning out to be True Confessions Day! Apparently, we all have testimonies of Brother Lionel.

LOIS. It all came flooding back into my mind once we started watching the original. I think it just hurt me too much to remember before. Maybe I need therapy.

B. LUCKY!!! I want to see some photos of the mullet. I know you were a BABE with that 'do!