Oi, I'm for bagging Zarahernia in favor of "My Kid etc". I've been interested in that episode for a while; how was the film, and what's your take on the whodunnit, and does the film argue a position on it?
MOIETY. If you're house-hunting in the neighborhood this weekend, maybe you and Becca should try to see it while it's at the mall dollar theater. I liked it, was frustrated by it, liked it some more. I'll wait till you've watched it to get into my take; I don't want to spoil anything for you. But don't take the kiddos unless you're prepared for them to deal with the F-bomb in neon, literally. The movie was about much more than the Marla controversy—that's all I'll yield for now. Let me know when you've had a look-see.
Well, I do!
This is just what the ad guy heard when people were leaving the theater. I love it when life imitates art... especially BAD art.
Despite the tempting title, I opted for a different dollar movie tonight. Anybody else seen My Kid Could Paint That?
Oi, I'm for bagging Zarahernia in favor of "My Kid etc". I've been interested in that episode for a while; how was the film, and what's your take on the whodunnit, and does the film argue a position on it?
Love you Geo.
Ha, ha, snort, ha...
MOIETY. If you're house-hunting in the neighborhood this weekend, maybe you and Becca should try to see it while it's at the mall dollar theater. I liked it, was frustrated by it, liked it some more. I'll wait till you've watched it to get into my take; I don't want to spoil anything for you. But don't take the kiddos unless you're prepared for them to deal with the F-bomb in neon, literally. The movie was about much more than the Marla controversy—that's all I'll yield for now. Let me know when you've had a look-see.
P.S. Love you too, Moiety.
NIGEL. Maybe it calls for a double-date? I can't resist Zarahernia for long.
Zarahernia? Too funny.
I've seen tons of "60 Minutes" segments on Marla, so I have no desire to see that.
I personally try to avoid churchy movies (unless people I know are in them -- especially Chup).
LOIS. I don't usually make it to the first-runs of Mo-shows, but somehow they always come looking for me on DVD.
That said, I really must see Stalking Santa, which isn't about Mos, it's only made by Mos.
And I will have to go to the LDS Film Fest in January. It's tradition.
But the 'hernia? No, thanks.
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