11 September 2004

Gardener of Eden

What a fruitful Saturday! We ceremoniously harvested our very first charentais melon from the garden at lunchtime. Not only was it the first charentais (or melon de Cavaillon) we'd ever grown, but it was also the first either of us had ever eaten. Exquisite! It's all true what they say about French melons. They are ambrosial; they could easily transport you to some celestial sphere. You've just got to grow some to discover what you've been missing your entire life. Do not die, do not even think about leaving the planet before you've tasted one. Look, I'll help you: ORDER SEEDS HERE! Then by this time next year, you will also understand why, in 1864, when "the library at Cavaillon asked Alexandre Dumas to make a gift of some of his works . . . [he] agreed to donate 194 volumes of his writings to the local library in return for a lifetime yearly annuity of a dozen melons. An agreement that was kept until his death in 1870." (George Morrison, Master Gardener, for the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Westchester County, NY) With respect to Mr. Dumas, I'm sure he got the better bargain.

Other lovely growing things reached fruition today. I went, as planned, with Spidey's mom to the temple early this morning, even before the sun had gotten out of bed. Yasmir's boyfriend also accompanied us. She came away from our adventure this morning not only inspired and refreshed in spirit, but also engaged. Engaged! Her boyfriend magically transformed himself into a fiance, apparently without much effort. See? All sorts of sweet things are ripening in their time.

It's time now to begin planning for future growing seasons. That means recognizing opportunities and preserving choices.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Will this ambrosia grown in Montana? Shall we initiate our new home garden with it? We'll have to see! We have big gardening plans (including a fabulous compster from teh city of Bozeman from Earth Day) and very little knowlege and experience. Perhaps you will have to come teach us in exchange for bed, breakfast(s), and a canoe here on the Yellowstone. Any takers?