I forgot to include this piece of good fortune on yesterday's lucky list:
• Last night while Rob and I were waiting to be among The Chosen for standby theater tickets, we conspicuously entertained ourselves by reading M. F. K. Fisher on an overstuffed R.C. Willey ottoman-cum-advertisement in the middle of the foyer. Rob interrupted my narration and said, "Hey, isn't that . . . ?" And sure enough it was. Lovely Amy. We knew her sister Lisa way way way back in the early days of us, and only just barely know Amy. I like her and think she'd be fun to have as a friend. She was there with her husband and two kids and instantly it clicked. Justin Hackworth! She's married to one of my favorite local photographers. I'd seen images of them together on his blog and KNEW I knew her but couldn't place the connection. That ever happen to you? Anyway, it was fun to finally meet Justin, although I was a little disappointed, knowing that now I am forever disqualified from participating in his annual 30 Strangers project. Realizing that we know many of the same people in our little town, I have made it a point NOT to meet Justin, because I was determined that next year would be the year I would be one of his subjects, maybe even with a child. (Yes, you read that right, but it's a dream to be discussed another day.) I can't deny the pleasure it was to meet Justin, so I guess it was lucky and unlucky both at once. But far more lucky than un-.
But I reallyreallyreally wanted to be one of your 30 Strangers in 2010, Justin. Can't we just rewind, and meet again next year? Anyway, how can you actually KNOW someone before you've had more than five minutes' chat? or recognized the color of her eyes (don't say green)? or eaten Middle Eastern food together? Aughh! Help!
Anyway, here are Amy and Justin. Absolutely adorable.
Take a look at Justin's work. It's easy and natural and elegant. I love following his blog and reading the stories in people's faces. Keep up the straight shootin', Justin, ol' pal. Not that I know you or anything.
Thanks for introducing your friends. I can see why you'd want to be a subject of his 30 Strangers project. His photography is inspiring.
And to meet an artist with an obviously happy family—that's even more inspiring. Doesn't happen often enough.
dreams are based on reality, at least some aspect. KEEP TRYING!!
Kalli, I hear and obey. ; )
I dare you to play strange things on your accordians, like the damned and siouxsie. At least play ice cream man...
I'm surprised you even felt the need to suggest that, Nigel. I was already thinking of "Happy House."
It's all my fault. Originally, I felt bad for interrupting your reading (which I thought was so sweet), but now I feel even worse for ruining next year's 30 Strangers for you! We'll work something out, don't worry.
It's great of you to follow Justin's blog--your comments are thoughtful and I love to read them.
Isn't it fun how life intersects?
Amy, I hope you're 100% kidding about feeling guilty. You didn't ruin ANYthing for me—Rob and I were both actually really happy to see you and your fam! And as for the essays of dearly departed M.F.K. Fisher—let's just say she takes a back seat to real, live friends. I love to read, but I'd rather read a face than a book any day.
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