27 June 2008

Fair warning

For the benefit of my friendly readers: This blog and possibly my others are scheduled to self-destruct during the month of July. I think it's time. I have loved writing here (and there, and everywhere) and I certainly have grown to love many of you with whom I've connected. I expect to keep on loving you too, but it's time to restructure my life. Don't know yet exactly what that means, and I suppose there's even a remote chance I will change my mind and stay here a while longer, but it's looking unlikely at this moment. The feeling's been pressing on me for some months.

Anybody who doesn't already know how to keep in touch with me and wants to can always e me at pogofig at gmail dot com. I'm not actually leaving my home, the planet, my body, etc. Just maybe Bright Street.

Thanks for helping to make this such a great experience the past few years.


b. said...

hhmmmm......I say, hell no. Don't go.

mirjam said...

but you just made this site look so pretty, and I enjoy our writing and I was counting on you during the summer... but then blogging takes energy that might be put to better use in other places...

Debra said...

I can certainly understand needing to simplify and focus, but truly we will miss your words.

Anonymous said...

Having been on the brink myself a few times, I hope you will keep your various blogs and just visit them when you feel like it--blogging without obligation can mean so many things.

I wish you nothing but the very best whatever you choose.

Carina said...

As you wish.